The Longwood Medical and Academic Area

The LMA is a workforce powerhouse for the city and state.

68,000 workers

27,000 students

2.8 million patients annually

$672 million in state tax revenues annually


  • Spring 2024



    Dorothy Fennell, Program Manager for the Longwood Collective Transportation Management Association (TMA), authored a piece in the Boston Globe published on March 19th about the critical role that TMAs play in our communities. The article highlights how TMAs help educate and inform employers, employees, and commuters about better alternatives to driving to work alone, and the resources that are available to help make that transition.

    Our Longwood Collective TMA is here to support commuters in making the multi-mobility switch to improve public health, reduce emissions, ease traffic congestions, and unlock economic opportunity for all. Read the full article here.


    Want LMA updates like this sent to your inbox? Subscribe to the Longwood Happenings newsletter. 




Globe Article
  • Spring 2024



    Our celebration of Transit Driver Appreciation Day was a success as we visited the team of drivers who operate our fleet of 37 shuttles serving the LMA and ensure our 2.6 million annual passengers get to where they need to go. Sharing laughs and stories over pizza, cake, and gift bags, the event recognized and celebrated drivers for all their hard work.


    While our gratitude for transit drivers in the LMA extends far beyond March 18th, this annual event has become a much-anticipated tradition that we look forward to continuing for years to come.






Group Photo
  • Spring 2024



    Longwood Collective is excited to announce that Bike Longwood is coming back for a second season! Running from April 11th through September 26th, the Longwood Collective TMA will be offering free, 15-minute bike tune-ups for member institutions, together with Landry’s Bicycles.

    The first event will take place on April 11th at the plaza in front of Longwood Center (360 Longwood Avenue). Check out our SignUpGenius to book your time slot!







Bike Longwood Return
  • Spring 2024


    New TMA Resource: Is my train running today?

    Longwood commuters, wondering if your commute is going to be impacted by the MBTA closures? In collaboration with a coalition of 8 Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) in the Greater Boston area, Longwood Collective TMA has developed a new website to make life simpler for commuters by answering a simple question: is my train running today?

    Stay up to date on current conditions and alternative routes, by visiting










MBTA Closures Home Page